Monday, May 6, 2013

A world sans job descriptions?

In recruitment, particularly when you are at the agency end, this is the most common question - and although its in the organisation/clients interest to provide us with one, that's what does not happen.

The easiest and most common refrain is... well, you are a recruiter and ought to know what we need! This can  be at best - laziness or incompetence in aligning with the internal hiring managers to understand what makes a good fit - which candidate will be good; and at worst laziness and passing the buck, with the carrot of agency revenues.

What happens as a result is endless calls to candidates, almost as a rote - sans any clarity on the role and the fit, and wasted agency time.

For the company, the consequences are even bad - the candidate market perceives the company to be one where there are no clear processes - well, if you can not have a proper jd for a role, what sort of other processes can one expect to have...

Even assuming that in the absence of the job detail, candidates are shortlisted - a blind putt shot, what else, - the consequent management time invested in evaluating the person without any understanding of the role need    - is sheer waste, and indeed a crime on time management.

Hiring practices are undergoing a tectonic shift - with the world out there speaking of role outcome descriptions and quantifiable revenue/customer impact results expected from the job.

And in this, imagine a world without job descriptions, even those that are antique pieces!?

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